World Hysteria Orchestra | Europe Is Dying | Festival Sanje (excerpt)

253 Ogledi

An excerpt from Festival Sanje, Ljubljana, Slovenia with World Histera Orchestra on a stage + performers David Brooks, Tjaša Koprivec and Darko Nikolovski, reciting Srečko Kosovel's (1904-1926) poetry. 17th July 2013. Filmed by Medard Kržišnik, produced by Sanje publishers.

I told you:
We are no longer a nation
We are humankind

There are no longer any peoples, any nations, and humanity.
One human standing in the centre of the world, a single human
Crowned with white thorns. But rising above him,
The silver halo of humanity.
Political absolutism has been putting pressure on the worn out
For the very last time it wants to capture the half-dead, weary
Man who no longer has any blood in order to bleed.
After it has drained people of power
It wants to reign, enslave them.

(Srečko Kosovel) Sanje so na mrežju doma tukaj:
Rok na Knjigi obrazov:
Rok & Sanje na svobodnem ozemlju Odiseja: |
Sanje na Takojcigramu:

Music | festival sanje
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