V živo: Chris Eckman & Carla Torgerson - LONG TIME HERE (festival Sanje, park Zvezda, Ljubljana)

460 Ogledi

Chris Eckman in Carla Torgerson – znana člana skupine Walkabouts – sta davnega leta 2007 nastopila na festivalu Sanje v parku Zvezda. 
Koncert je bil obenem napoved izida Chrisovega albuma The Last Side of The Mountain – ki je prinesel uglasbitev angleških prevodov pesmi Daneta Zajca. Album je izšel pri Sanjah leta 2008 in dosegel velik odmev v Sloveniji in širše po svetu. 

Njun koncert smo posneli in ga po 14. letih izbrskali iz arhivov. Tu je uvodna pesem Long time here. 


Long Time Here

If you want good times
I know where to look
And if you want good times I will

They're thrown on your bed
With your junkyard religion
At the best of the western motels

Thrown with the pawns
And the hardscrabble rooks
Thrown with our ransom of kings

But if you want goodtimes
I know where to look
And I know it's goodtimes you want

Long time here X2
I'll keep you around
Holding this ground
I'll keep you a long time here

In 24 hours
We could be in Vegas
Where the heat is a possible friend

Where snake eyes and boxcars
Could wet down your whistle
And steal all the noise from your head

But your hell is hotter
Then the typical thirst
And in Vegas the ice is not cheap

And heaven's a backroom
Where the gamblin' don't finish
And you keep makin' the same mistakes

Long time here X2
I'll keep you around
Holding this ground
I'll keep you a long . . . .

Long time here X4
I'll keep you around
Holding this ground
I'll keep you a long time here

Festival Sanje Music | festival sanje V ŽIVO
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