Sanje: Alamut, an awakened dragon (Sanje 2023 - visions)

239 Ogledi

On March 29th, we spent a pleasant afternoon at the bookshop House of Dreaming Books with journalists from Germany, who were on a presentation visit in Slovenia before the upcoming Frankfurt Book Fair, where Slovenia will be a Guest of Honour. Under the slogan A honeycomb of words, Slovenia's literary and cultural pulse will be presented to visitors, lovers of the written word, and the literary, publishing and cultural professions. Sanje publishing is very much looking forward to be part of it.
Heartfelt thank you for visiting, Frankfurter Buchmesse and Slovenian Book Agency. Wishing you an inspiring and pleasant stay in Slovenia!


Can you hear it?
I am the shelter of endless calm.
A creature of imagination.
The shelter of the lonesome…
Igniting dreams in the night of a thousand years.
I am Sanje.

Our mission is to support and spread creativity that dares to go beyond. We aim to transcend the limitations imposed by the patterns of either popular or elite culture, we think and decide beyond established aesthetic, genre, political or geographical constraints. Our ambition extends deeply inwards and far outwards, into international spaces.

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Sanje TV:
Sanje na svobodnem ozemlju Odiseja:
Radio Sanje:
Sanje na Tikanalu Sanje:
Sanje na Knjigi obrazov:
Sanje na Takojcigramu:
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Pogovori v drugih (neslovenskih) jezikih Sanje v medijih International (English)
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