Feketeseretlek – We are going to die (festival Sanje)

227 Ogledi

Group Fekete Seretlek is reusing, changing and mixing motives from world music and making up its own original compositions. Violoncello, accordion, trumpet, double bass, violin and five voices. Five musicians -- actors have all been studying or already finished Prague Theatre Academy (DAMU).

Matija Solce (Slovenija), creator of all arrangements of tunes, puppeteer, actor, organiser and mentor of ethno music workshops (Ethno Histria) is for few years successfully running his own puppet theatre "´Teatro Matita"´ and getting many awards on different international festivals all over the world. Concert is many times played in combination with some of his puppet shows.

Pavol Smolárik (Slovakia) is acting in different theatres in Prague (Letí, Minor, Dejvické Divadlo). He is a holder of "award for talent of the year 2006 in the field of alternative theatre".

Jan Meduna (Czech rep) graduate of DAMU, acting in different Prague theatres and recently played lead role in the new Czech film "Tobruk".

Anička Bubníková (Czech/Russia) finishing Prague DAMU -- alternative and puppet acting, member of Divadlo Letí and guests in Ta Fantastika musical theatre.

Jiří N. Jelínek (Czech rep) finishing Prague DAMU -- alternative and puppet acting, guests National theatre in Prague.

Fekete Seretlek started in 2005 and till now played on different music and theatre festivals in Slovenija, Slovakia, Italy and Czech republic, we took the 2. place on competition for Talents within the well known world music festival Colours of Ostrava. In June 2008 is coming out our first CD.

CONCERTS are lively and changeable, adapting to situations: from big stages, to clubs or streets. In last times they are becoming not only exceptional music, but also visual experience.

Music | festival sanje
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