Alfred Burgstaller, Подмосковные вечера | Moscow Nights

55 Ogledi

In memoriam: Alfred Burgstaller, Подмосковные вечера | Moscow Nights
Hvar island, 2018. 

#Sanje #lyrics_songs #russia #musica #beauty #night #symposium #festivalsanje

Подмосковные вечера | Moscow Nights

Even whispers aren’t heard in the garden,
Everything has died down till morning.
If you only knew how dear to me
Are these Moscow nights.

The river moves, unmoving,
All in silver moonlight.
A song is heard, yet unheard,
In these silent nights.

Why do you, dear, look askance,
With your head lowered so?
It is hard to express, and hard to hold back,
Everything that my heart holds.

But the dawn’s becoming ever brighter.
So please, just be good.
Don’t you, too, forget
These summer, Moscow nights.

(Translation by University of Pittsburgh Department of Slavic Languages)

Sanje | Glasba
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